Wednesday, February 1, 2012

 This is one of those days I wish I could lock myself up in my room and watch movies all day.. with an unlimited supply of coffee and donuts. Yes that would be nice.. but alas, this will not happen. So I'm going to blog instead :). I don't know about you, but when a certain aunt is in town, I'm pretty wretched. Little things that I normally wouldn't even begin to be bothered by, irk me. Like cat liter commercials its like toilet paper and tampon commercials.. we know they are there, why advertise?
 And caillou's voice.. I swear if he were real, I'd punch that kid in the face.
 And we are out of coffee.. and I don't want to get out of my sweats to go to the store.. Coffee delivery, now there is a an amazing idea.
Its a good thing I'm so lazy today, as I'm pretty sure I would not be strong enough to buy a donut.. Or 12.
Tomorrow my neighbor and I are going to start running/walking in the mornings, the plan is to do it most days during the week. I'm looking forward to getting my workout done first thing in day. All this in addition to working out with a friend. I've been saying I want to wake up early for years now, maybe just maybe I will FINALLY start.
I'm sure that running would improve my mood a bit. That's the one bummer of having kids so far in age, double strollers don't work.. and the little one is in that "needs constant supervision" so running on the treadmill is out until the hubby get home. Hopefully my kids will be ok with movies and doing a whole lot of nothing until then. Time to bust out star wars, those are our sick and do nothing day movies.

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