Thursday, February 9, 2012

Money money money

 I went on a wild goose hunt for a running hat today. Since when did a hat cost a billion dollars? Yes, I'm cheap.. But I have to feed, clothe, and entertain a family on small budget.. and spending 20+ bucks on a hat I'll wear mmmaaaaayybbee once a week, seems like a silly expenditure.
 I finally gave up the search for a hat and finished my grocery shopping. I always have a mini stroke when they give me total. I'm doing my best at healthily feeding my family, and its not cheap (nothing is). Its amazing to me I can go and fill my basket with processed, pre-made crap for a heck a lot cheaper then a basket full of veggies, fruit, and meat. And we wonder why there is an obesity epidemic. If you are on food stamps or have limited budget, there is no way you can feed your family healthy. Sure you can get fruits and veggies, and meat that comes from processing plants.. While that's healthier than mac'n'cheese and fast food.. its not every mothers dream to give her kids food that contains ingredients she can hardly pronounce. In perfect world, there would be no such thing as "organic" it would be all food. Animals wouldn't be fed a diet of antibiotics and animal bi-products that is created in lab to grow them faster, and I wouldn't have a heart attack every time I saw my grocery total.
 At least I got grocery shopping done, with kids.. Grocery stores should give out medals to moms who can succesfully shop without meltdowns. Forget giving the kiddos stickers, I want a medal for getting everything on my list (and then some), juggling pacis, food my toddler is tossing out of the cart, and coupons. All while answering a million questions about why various fruits and veggies are the a certain color, and what shrimp eat. Yes shopping is interesting. Whats odd is when I do shop by myself, not only am I done in 15 mins, but I'm bored and totally out of it. I guess I enjoy the 2 ring circus, keeps me alert and on my toes.
I'm pretty sure this mat is whats missing from my life.. I REALLY want this door mat. But its 28 bucks.. and you know from the above, I won't spend $20 on hat, like hell I'm going to spend nearly $30 on a door mat. So I'm going to try to make it. I saw this great idea of painting a doormat, seems easy enough. I'll keep ya posted on how it turns out.
 Any projects you have your eyes on?

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